The KCKCC Academic Master Plan (AMP) serves as a guide for important decisions concerning institutional resources, plans that guide program, faculty and facility development, curriculum development, technology and a variety of student success initiatives. The AMP is integrated into other college planning processes, supports strategic plan, help strategize priorities to accomplish the academic mission of KCKCC and drives measures to improve quality educational services.

A candid self-reflection of ‘Who we are?, Where do want to be?’ and ‘How can we get there?’ defined our framework for developing the AMP. The questions below outlines the structure of these conversations.

  • What are KCKCC’s short and long term goals in terms of academic mission and practices? And, where are we now? Where would we like to see ourselves in 5-10 years?
  • How do we describe the clientele we serve (aka, students and community)? Do we wish to continue serving the same students or expand our outreach to include others?
  • What is our capacity in terms of academic programs, services, facilities, staff and state support. How do we sustain changes in our environment to continue to offer quality academic services?
  • What do we want our students to know, value and able to perform while attending and after graduating from KCKCC?
  • What changes we want to be in place to achieve our goals in 5-10 years.

Give the framework, the strategic goals for AMP is to create a cohesive environment at KCKCC that is conducive to student success. AMP will look and evaluate workforce data, regional economic growth, student characteristics, budgets, will receive input from faculty, staff and community.

AMP Taskforce Members

  • Mihir Chand Co-Chair
  • Amber Crum
  • Carrie Dimino
  • Tyrun Flaherty
  • Jennifer Gieschen
  • Polly Hawk
  • Samantha Landau
  • Emily Morrow
  • Jason Sievers
  • Jonathan Taylor
  • Cindy Scanlon
  • Jeffrey Sixta

AMP Sub-Committees

Internal Drivers
  • Jonathan Taylor
  • Cindy Scanlon
  • Jim Krajewski
External Drivers
  • Mihir Chand
  • Carrie Dimino
  • Polly Hawk
  • Tyrun Flaherty
  • Mihir Chand
  • Samantha Landau
  • Jason Sievers

AMP Committee Meetings Minutes

Other AMPs Reviewed

AMP Documents / Evidence / Source Data