At Kansas City Kansas Community College the safety and well-being of our community is a top priority. As a community we all play a part in maintaining this safe environment. We work together to communicate, monitor, and report things that are out of the ordinary. Our success requires communication from the entire community.
In tradition with this communication, KCKCC would like to make sure that our community knows about and understands the state’s Personal and Family Protection Act and our KCKCC Weapons Policy, how our policy will impact the campus, and how we will implement it on our campuses.
KCKCC has had an exemption from the Personal and Family Protection Act since it was enacted. This exemption will expire on June 30, 2017. This means that beginning on July 1, 2017 handguns will be allowed to be carried concealed into most state and municipal buildings. It is likely our community has mixed feelings about this issue. No matter where you land on this issue, we all agree that safety is the most important thing.
The KCKCC weapons policy taskforce crafted our concealed carry policy along with safety in mind. In accordance with the Personal and Family Protection Act we respect the right to lawfully carry concealed handguns.
KCKCC also produced this video and summary sheet to inform our community about these changes.
Effective July 1, 2017, an authorized individual will be allowed to carry a concealed handgun into most state and municipal buildings in Kansas, including institutions of higher education.
KCKCC policy is in accordance with the Personal and Family Protection Act. We respect the right to lawfully carry concealed handguns.
The law allows for concealed carry. This means that the gun must be completely concealed. A partially visible handgun would not meet the concealed definition. At a minimum this would be a violation and should be reported.
To the KCKCC Police Department at 913-288-7636
21 years of age, ability to lawfully possess a firearm with no restrictions or prior record.
Individuals can conceal carry a handgun anywhere on our campuses, except where temporary Adequate Security Measures are in place. If temporary Adequate Security Measures are in place signs will be posted to identify where concealed carry is prohibited.
Only a concealed handgun may be carried.
A handgun may only be stored in a private vehicle, when the vehicle is locked and the handgun is secured in a nonvisible location. A handgun may not be stored in an office, a work area or any college locker or desk.
Open carry is still prohibited by law.