Kansas City Kansas Community College is committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational, living and working environment for all members of the campus community, including students, faculty, administrators, staff, trustees or visitors. This policy prohibits all forms of sexual or gender-based harassment and sexual assault.

Title IX, regulated by the Office of Civil Rights, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. All schools who receive any federal financial assistance must comply with Title IX.


  • 60% of campus rapes occur in the residence of the victim.
  • 90% of college women who are victims of rape knew their attacker (classmate, friend, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, other acquaintance)
  • 75% of sexual assaults involve alcohol (offender, victim, or both had been drinking).
  • 1 out of 4 college women will be sexually assaulted by the time they graduate.
  • Bystander intervention is the most effective method to reduce sexual assaults.

Reporting is the First Step

Gender-based misconduct can be reported to any member of the campus community because all college. All employees receive training on proper reporting procedures, and provide accurate information to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator. However, it is the Complainant’s choice whether or not to make a formal grievance in writing.

Any person alleged to be in violation of this policy is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process.

Confidential Reporting 

Women and Gender Advocacy Center
RM 3371 - Jewell Student Center

Student Health Services
Rm 3363 – Jewell Student Center

Supportive and Interim Measures

Whether or not the Complainant makes a formal grievance, the College will provide supportive measures that include, but are not limited to changes to housing or work circumstances, academic accommodations, counseling, health and mental health services, disability services. 

Interim Measures of emergency removal or administrative leave will only be administered if a person poses a threat to another person on Campus as deemed by the Threat Assessment Team.

Although the College cannot protect individuals at off-campus locations, the college will make sure the involved parties are aware of legal options by working with local law enforcement. 

Due Process

All parties are entitled to due process, which includes:

  • concurrent notifications throughout process
  • advisor of choice
  • mutually agreed mediation (not available of Respondent is an employee)
  • investigation by trained investigators
  • review and copies of relevant evidence
  • live hearing, represented by advisor
  • appeal of outcome


Based on the information gathered in the initial Title IX assessment, and/or full investigation, and mediation or live hearing, the College will take appropriate measures designed to end the misconduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.  Both parties must be notified in writing of the outcome of the complaint.

Title IX Team

Sam DeLeon
Title IX Coordinator
Director of Employee Relations, Human Resources

Reem Rasheed, Ph.D. 
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Engagement Coordinator

  • Annual Title IX Training for Coordinators, Investigators and Title IX Team Members (October 2022 and September 2023)

Shawn Derritt, Ed.D.
Hearing Officer
Dean of Student Services


Gayle Holliday
Library Clerk, Learning and Library Services

Angela Miller
Assessment Coordinator I, Academic Support & Assessment