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Title III

Title III Grant


Gena Ross, Ph.D.
Director for Student Support for Program Success
Project Director for the Title III Grant


It is with such pleasure that I invite the Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) family to explore all activities offered through our Title III Grant Program. The Title III Program, funded through the U.S. Department of Education, allows KCKCC to expand on its programs, to enhance our academic offerings, to improve upon our fiscal projects to sustain the quality of education and work environment offered to our diverse students, faculty and staff.

Gena Ross, Ph.D.
Project Director for the Title III Grant


The mission of Title III Programs is to ensure that federal resources are effectively and efficiently used to assist Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) in becoming self-sufficient and expanding its capacity to serve diverse student populations. The funds are provided to improve and strengthen the college’s academic quality, institutional management, fiscal stability and student service outcomes.

Program Overview

KCKCC proposes through Title III, Strengthening Institutions Program grant funding to design and implement a guided pathway advising model complemented by comprehensive academic supports. In addition, co-requisite remediation courses will be integrated into the model ensuring students efficiently gain the skills and the momentum needed to continue their efforts to earn a degree. KCKCC seeks to break down the barriers that prevent many capable young adults from completing postsecondary education.

Although the funds will be distributed through KCKCC, this proposal centers the students’ well-being by creating environments to ensure that all students, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, national origin, marital status, etc., are offered tailored pathways for advancement. Per all the policies, procedures and values detailed below, all students are and will be afforded equal access to all services through KCKCC.

KCKCC’s policies, procedures, publications and staff maintain a strong commitment to ensuring that every student, prospective or enrolled, feels well supported in their academic and student experience. While KCKCC is currently taking the steps necessary to create an inclusive environment, the College recognizes that it must routinely reevaluate its efforts. As KCKCC pursues funding through the Title III, Strengthening Institutions Program, the College hopes to open the doors to higher learning and provide a helping hand to talented individuals navigating through uncharted waters. KCKCC will provide these students with ample academic supports, inside and outside the classroom, to ensure they gain the knowledge and the momentum needed to graduate.

Lifecoach Career Coach

KCKCC offers the Lightcast Career Coach service to help guide students in finding a selecting a career that matches their education and skill set.

Go to Lightcast Career Coach

Program Activities

KCKCC will utilize Title III funding to design and implement a guided pathway advising model complemented by comprehensive academic supports such as Success Coaches and timely student interventions to address challenges inside and outside the classroom that hinder success. The infrastructure of this plan will rest on a revamped website allowing students and advisors to explore academic and career paths together.


  • By September 2026, the fall-to-fall retention rate for all first-time, full-time students will increase from 60% to 68%, increasing 13% (8 percentage points difference)* in five (5) years.
  • By September 2026, the fall-to-fall retention rate for Pell-eligible students will increase from 42% to 50%, increasing 19% (8 percentage points difference)* in five (5) years.
  • By September 2026, the three-year graduation rates for all first-time, full-time first-year students will increase from 32% to 36%, increasing 12.5% (4 percentage points difference)* in five (5) years.
  • By September 2026, the three-year graduation rate for Pell-eligible students will increase from 28% to 33%, increasing 18% (5 percentage points difference)* in five (5)
  • By Sept 2026, fall-to-fall retention rates for first-time, full-time students starting KCKCC in the developmental education pathway will increase from 44% to 54%, increasing 23% (10 percentage points difference)* in five (5) years.
  • By Sept 2026, reduce the percentage of low-income students taking developmental courses from 71% to 56%, decreasing 21% (15 percentage points difference)* in five (5) years.
  • By Sept 2026, increase the percentage of students completing a non-developmental course after passing developmental reading from 64% to 74%, increasing 16% (10 percentage points difference)* in five (5) years.


Gena Ross, Ph.D.

Gena Ross, Ph.D.

Director for Student Support for Program Success
Project Director for the Title III Grant

Steven Franklin

Steven Franklin

Student Retention and Career Coach 

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

Career Services Coordinator I

Thian Uk

Thian Uk

Student Success Website/Tech Developer 
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