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Math, Science, Business and Technology

Math, Science, Business and Technology


Edward Kremer, Ph.D.
Dean, Math, Science, and Business Technology

Barbara Biggs
Administrative Assistant to the Dean

Lisa Gammon
Administrative Assistant to the Dean

Division Office 
Mathematics, LL, Rm. 2503

The Math, Science, Business and Technology houses the departments of biology, business, chemistry, exercise science, forensic chemistry, mathematics, physical science and the Wellness Center.

Our mission is to offer a superior postsecondary education in all of our programs. Department programs are designed for career preparation, prerequisite attainment, transfer, or community enrichment. MSBT faculty and staff work to insure that our students and community partners receive professional and courteous aid in completing their educational goals.  A brief description of each department is provided below. Please visit our program specific pages for further information, or contact our division office at 913-288-7627 or 913-288-7518.

  • Mathematics
  • Natural & Physical Sciences
  • Paralegal

Certificates of Completion


KCKCC Biology Scholars Program

Now taking applications

As a student, you will get:

  • up to $15,000 in scholarship ($7,500 annually)
  • a biology faculty mentor
  • STEM opportunities (research, internships, and more)

In order to qualify, you must have financial need, declare and complete an associates in biology, and be interested in a science career.

Learn More About the Program

Wellness and Fitness Center

Wellness and Fitness Center is situated on the Main Campus with 11,000 square feet of space, it has an indoor track, weight room, aerobic studio, treadmills, bicycles, steppers, climbers and an aerobic super-circuit.

Go to Wellness and Fitness Center's Webpage

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