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Exercise Science

Exercise Science Department

The Exercise Science Department offers an Associate in General Studies in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Certificate Program for Personal Training, Associate in Science in Pre-Exercise Science and Associate of Arts in Pre-Sports Management for students interested in pursuing the following career areas:

  • Exercise Science
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Kinesiology
  • Physical Education
  • Health Promotion
  • Athletic Training
  • Sports Management
  • Coaching
  • Corporate Fitness
  • Hospital Wellness
  • Aerobics Instructor
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Other related fields

The Exercise Science Department has an articulation agreement with University of Kansas Edwards Campus for a bachelor degree in Exercise Science and an articulation agreement with University of Saint Mary’s for those students seeking a bachelor degree in Sports Management.

Our Health/Fitness Option in the Associate of General Studies degree has met the established educational program criteria from NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) in personal training. Students who complete this degree are eligible to sit for the Certified Personal Trainer Exam offered by NSCA.

Our department offers personal trainer review course and group instructor review course to prepare students who wish to take that the ACE (American Council on Exercise) certification exams.

Degrees & Certificates

Exercise Science - Associate in General Studies

The Exercise Science Program offers an associate in general studies in liberal arts & sciences degree. Within the associate degree program, students can select one of four areas of specialization:

Exercise Science - Associate in Science

Students interested in completing the bachelor’s degree program in exercise science should follow this course of study. Two years of a general education programs and two years exercise science courses must be completed. 

Exercise Science - Associate in Science

Exercise Leader Certificate

The Exercise Leader Certificate is designed for students interested in becoming certified as an Exercise Leader. Upon completion of this certificate, students are eligible to take the ACSM Exercise Leader Certification Exam.

Exercise Leader Certificate

Professional Organizations

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