Students requesting academic accommodations must provide appropriate documentation* of their disability in accordance with the guidelines listed below. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act.

The credentials of the evaluator(s)

Documentation must be provided by an appropriate, licensed (or otherwise properly credentialed) professional who has undergone comprehensive training in their specific field, has relevant experience, and has no personal relationship with the individual being evaluated.

A diagnostic statement identifying the disability

Documentation should include a clear diagnostic statement that describes how the condition was diagnosed, provides information on the functional impact, and details the typical progression or prognosis of the condition. While DSM and ICF codes are helpful in providing this information, a full clinical description will also convey the necessary information.

A description of the diagnostic methodology used in evaluation

Documentation should include a description of the diagnostic criteria, evaluation methods, procedures, tests and dates of administration, as well as a clinical narrative, observation, and specific results. Where appropriate to the nature of the disability, having both summary data and specific test scores** (with the norming population identified) within the report is recommended.

A description of current functional limitations

Documentation should include information on how the disabling condition(s) currently impacts the individual, provides useful information for both establishing a disability and identifying possible accommodations. Documentation should demonstrate whether and how a major life activity is substantially limited by providing a clear sense of the severity, frequency and pervasiveness of the condition(s).

A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability

Documentation should provide information on expected changes in the functional impact of the disability over time and context. Information on the cyclical or episodic nature of the disability and known or suspected environmental triggers to episodes provides opportunities to anticipate and plan for varying functional impacts.

A description of current and past accommodations, services and medications

Documentation should include a description of current medications, auxiliary aids, assistive devices, support services, and accommodations, including their effectiveness in ameliorating the functional impact of the disability. Information on significant side effects from current medications that may impact the student’s academic performance is also helpful.

Recommendations for accommodations, services, and compensatory strategies

Documentation should include recommendations from professionals with a history of working with the individual. It is most helpful when recommended accommodations and strategies are logically related to functional limitations. Please note, however, that KCKCC has no obligation to provide or adopt recommendations made by outside entities.

 *Disability documentation provided to the SASS becomes an educational record protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. KCKCC does not pay providers for documentation/records. Any payment is the sole responsibility of the student.

**Examples of assessment instruments for learning disabilities include WAIS-IV, Woodcock-Johnson-IV, Stanford Binet, & WIAT-III.


KCKCC Student Accessibility & Support Services