Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy For Federal Financial Aid Recipients
Federal regulations mandate that a student must be making “satisfactory academic progress” toward earning a certificate or associates degree in order to receive federal financial aid. All recipients of federal financial aid programs which include Federal Pell and SEOG Grants, Federal Direct Loans and Federal Work-Study funds are subject to these standards for renewal of financial aid eligibility. To comply with this regulation, KCKCC has established the following standards of satisfactory academic progress.
Satisfactory academic progress evaluation is based on reviewing all KCKCC and transfer credit hours as it appears on the student’s official academic transcript at the time of the review. Progress will be reviewed at the end of each enrollment period (fall spring and summer) in which the student received federal financial aid. The minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress are evaluated using the following criteria:
Grade Point Average (GPA): 2.0 minimum
Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA based on the total number of credit hours attempted. KCKCC and transfer hours are considered.
Percentage of Completion: 67% minimum
Students must successfully complete 67% of all credit hours attempted as listed on the student’s academic transcript at KCKCC. Grades of A, B, C, D, P, CR will be considered as successful completion of coursework. Remedial coursework will also be included in the hours counted as attempted.
Courses in which students receive a grade of “F”, “I”, “W”, “WA” or “MP” will be counted as hours attempted, but not completed. Of these grades, the “F” is the only one included in the calculation of the cumulative GPA. If course work is not completed within a year’s time, the grade of “I” will change to a grade of “F”.
Credit Hour Limit: 97 Attempted Hours Maximum
Students who have attempted more than 97 credit hours (including KCKCC and transfer credit hours) will not be eligible to receive federal financial aid. This includes all enrollment periods whether or not federal aid was requested or received. Students reaching this maximum attempted credit hour total will not be given a “warning” semester to continue to receive federal financial aid.
Financial Aid Warning
Students who are deficient in either percentage of hours completed and/or cumulative grade points average will automatically be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next enrollment period. During the next enrollment period the student may continue to receive financial assistance during the warning period. No appeal or other action is required. At the end of a warning semester the student’s academic progress will be reviewed again. At that time, one of the following actions will occur:
- If standards have been met, the student will be reinstated back to satisfactory academic progress standing.
- If the student is not yet meeting the minimum standards of progress but did complete a minimum of 67% of all attempted hours for the enrollment period with grades of “C” or above, the “warning” status will continue for the next enrollment period.
- If neither of the preceding terms is met, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Exclusion.
Financial Aid Exclusion
Students on exclusion may not receive any additional federal aid (Pell Grant, FSEOG, Federal Work-Study or Federal Direct Loans) to attend KCKCC. Continuation of coursework at KCKCC will be at the expense of the student. All federal aid awarded to the student will be cancelled. Students on Financial Aid Exclusion will be denied federal financial assistance at KCKCC until one of the following occurs:
- The student meets the minimum standards of satisfactory progress after transfer credit hours are posted on the student’s academic record. The student must contact the Student Financial Aid Office with a written request to review academic progress after transfer credit has been posted.
- The student completes all attempted hours (minimum of 6 hours), which the student pays for and earns a grade of “C” or better, with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. The student should contact the Student Financial Aid Office with a written request to review academic progress.
- The student files an appeal and the appeal is approved. Students with an approved appeal will be placed on a Financial Aid Probation status.
Exclusion Appeal Process
Students may appeal their satisfactory progress status by completing and submitting a written appeal form to the KCKCC Student Financial Aid Office. The appeal form is available at the KCKCC Student Financial Aid Office, Leavenworth Pioneer Career Center or Technical Education Center and is available on MyDotte. The Appeal form must be submitted with appropriate documentation and include an explanation of unusual circumstances which have affected the student’s academic performance. Additionally, the appeals process requires that the student schedule an appointment with an academic advisor to draw up a degree plan to be submitted with the appeal form.
Appeals must be submitted to the Student Financial Aid Office prior to the deadline date printed on the appeal form. Appeals are reviewed by the KCKCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Committee. If the appeal is approved, the student’s financial aid status will be changed to a “probation” status. Students on “probation” may receive federal student aid for their next enrollment period. The decision of the KCKCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Committee is final. If the appeal is denied, the student will remain ineligible for federal financial aid.
Financial Aid Probation
During a “Financial Aid Probation” semester the student must comply with the specific terms and conditions that the KCKCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Committee mandated as a condition of an approved appeal. Federal aid may be received during this semester.
At the conclusion of a “probation” semester, the student must complete all enrolled credit hours with grades of “C” or better or be meeting the requirements of the student’s academic plan in order to qualify for further federal financial aid. Students meeting these standards will be placed on a “Financial Aid Warning” status and continue to be eligible to receive federal financial aid.
Students who do not meet standards during a “probation” semester will no longer be eligible to receive federal financial aid at KCKCC. An appeal will not be considered.
If students have questions regarding financial aid, please contact the Student Financial Aid Office at:
7250 State Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66112