Federal Grant Programs

Award amounts listed on the award notice are based on a full-time credit load of 12 or more credit hours. The amount of award will be reduced proportionally with 9-11 credit hours receiving 3/4 award and 6-8 credit hours receiving 1/2 award. Students taking less than 6 credit hours should check with the Financial Aid Office to find out grant amounts.

Students may not receive a Federal Pell or SEOG Grant for attendance at more that one school for the same period of time. A student attending two schools during the same semester should contact the Student Financial Aid Office immediately.

When the student enrolls, grant funds available to cover charges will be credited to the student’s account. Remaining grant funds will be deposited into the student’s account based on the number of credit hours in which the student is enrolled on Financial Aid Census Day. Aid amounts may be reduced for withdrawing from a course before Financial Aid Census Day. The Business Office will deduct any money owed for tuition, fees, books, and supplies from the student’s received aid.

Federal Pell Grants

Federal Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students working toward their first Bachelor's Degree. The amount is determined by the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and the student's enrollment status.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant amounts are awarded to students with highest need who are Pell Grant eligible. Awards range from $200-$1,000 per academic year. Students who apply for awards prior to April 1 and are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant will be given priority in awarding this grant.

Federal College Work-Study

Federal College Work-Study provides financial assistance through part-time (15 Hours per week) temporary employment either on campus or off campus in a community service position.

Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans

Federal Direct Subsidized Loans are low-interest loans made to students enrolled at least half-time and are based on financial need. Interest is paid by the federal government as long as the student is enrolled in at least six-degree seeking credit hours. Loan amounts range from $500-$3500 per academic year. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

A Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan is the same as a subsidized loan except financial need is not a consideration. The student is responsible for the interest which begins to accrue at the time of disbursement. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students

A Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students is a low-interest loan made to the parent of a dependent student who is enrolled in at least six degree-seeking credit hours. The loan amount is based on the cost of education minus any financial aid the student is awarded. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office.

Bureau of Indian Affairs Grant

The Bureau of Indian Affairs Grant is awarded to American Indians who demonstrate financial need and academic progress. Additional information and application materials are available through the area agency office holding records of tribal membership.