Kansas City Kansas Community College has a designated a space for our military affiliated students. The Veterans Center features a computer lab with a printer, a study area to work on homework or meet with other military affiliated students, and staff available to assist with navigating VA benefits and services available for veterans on and off campus.
The Veterans Center is located in Lower Jewell, Room 2331-2336, next to the deli. Stop by to enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack from the snack bar. The Military and Veterans Student Services Staff will be available to assist you while you are here at KCKCC!
Veterans Certifying Specialist (VCS)
The Veterans Certifying Specialist provides veterans of military service, active duty members, reservists, or National Guard members assistance with obtaining educational services and benefits. The office of the VCS is located at KCKCC’s main Campus, in the Veterans Center in Lower Jewell. Additionally the VCS will maintain office hours one day a week at the KCKCC Pioneer Career Center and the Technical Education Center. Call 913-288-7594 to make an appointment.
Click here to schedule an appointment with the Veteran Certifying Specialist (VCS).
Your Veteran Certifying Specialist is responsible to ensure the following:
Reporting Enrollment Status: Report enrollment, withdrawals, changes in degree program, unsatisfactory progress, academic warning and dismissals, and the monitoring of courses to ensure students are enrolled in courses needed for their current degree program.
Records: Maintain adequate records of certification, degree plans, transcripts, VA applications and certificate of eligibility. Records are kept for three years following the student's last date of attendance.