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Student Frequently Asked Questions

This is an archived webpage.

I am concerned about taking an online class; what can I do to prepare?

Academic Resources including the Learning Commons, Online Tutoring & Learning Services Support

Online Education Blog  (visit “New to Blackboard” to get started!)

IT Help Desk / Technical Support 

I would prefer not to take an online class. Can I earn a grade of Incomplete and finish the class later in the year?

A grade of incomplete is up to the instructor based on the % of the course the student has completed and their current grade. Please contact your instructor via email or phone (found in your course syllabus, or in the faculty & staff directory) to discuss the possibility of a grade of incomplete.

Faculty/Staff Directory

I do not want to take an online class and I don't want a grade of Incomplete. Can I Withdraw from a class and receive a full or partial refund?

There are no refunds at this time for Withdrawing from a course. You will need to Withdraw if your instructor has indicated you cannot earn an Incomplete.

If you have exhausted other options and need to withdraw, you must submit an Online Withdrawal Form at before the academic calendar deadlines listed below.

  • April 21 - deadline to withdraw from 16-week / full semester classes
  • April 28 - deadline to withdraw from 2nd 8-week / midterm classes

Overall, we strongly discourage withdrawing from courses, especially those students who depend on federal financial aid or scholarships that require satisfactory academic progress. Students will earn a grade of W; this does not negatively impact your GPA but may impact Satisfactory Academic Progress. There is no refund for withdrawn courses.

I want to Withdraw from a class due to COVID-19 but I don't want a grade of W on my transcript, and I don't want it to affect my SAP/Financial aid eligibility.  Can I drop the class and receive 100% refund, without a grade of W?

No, this is not an option at this time. You will need to Withdraw from the class prior to April 21 (for full semester courses).

I am ill or quarantined due to coronavirus; what is the process to drop a class with 100% refund and no grade of W, due to medical emergency?

For extenuating circumstances, including medical emergency, students still need to take action to Withdraw via the Online Withdrawal Form. On a case-by-case basis, Enrollment Management leadership will consider extenuating circumstances.

I am using federal financial aid or VA benefits; if I withdraw due to COVID-19, what are the financial implications?

If you are using federal financial aid (student loans, Pell grant), contact | 913-288-7697

If you are using military benefits, contact Wade Abel at  | 913-288-7592

Will tutoring be available?

Tutoring will be facilitated by our KCKCC team through live chat, online writing consultations, and Zoom. In addition, access to is being placed into each Blackboard course. is an online tutoring platform that allows students to connect in real-time with a tutor.

Will the deli be open after March 30?

No, the deli will remain closed until further notice.

I signed up for a campus meal plan; will I receive a partial, pro-rated refund?

Please contact Sheri Seaman at if you have specific questions about your meal plan reimbursements.

How can I get items I need for classes, such as textbooks, out of my room?

We will have a formalized process for checking out (Move-Out) during March 18-30. Students will need to sign up for a two-hour block of time to move out of student housing. To schedule an appointment, students will need to contact the Student Housing Supervisor at 913-200-4532. The time slots are limited to five students per slot.

What about students who do not have other housing options besides the KCKCC student housing?

Please be assured KCKCC will not move students out of residential housing if they have no other place to stay. Special considerations will be made for students in highly exceptional situations who do not have a permanent residence or cannot return to their permanent residences, including some international students. KCKCC Housing leaders will work directly with the students and extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students will need to contact the Student Housing Supervisor at 913-200-4532.

I signed up for campus housing; will I receive a pro-rated refund?

The college is working on a process for any pro-rated housing refunds. If you are eligible for a housing pro-rated refund the refund will go directly to your KCKCC student account. More details to follow.

Can I use the Wellness Center?

To limit exposure to the virus, campus is closed to the public until further notice. This includes the Field House and the Wellness Center.

Will the college still have a Graduation Ceremony on May 21?

No, Graduation Ceremony is cancelled. The college is looking at alternative ways to celebrate student’s achievements. Diplomas will be mailed to graduates approximately 8 weeks after the end of the semester.

I have a Federal Work Study/Intern position, can I return to work on campus? Will I still be paid?

No, students will not be able to return to work. Hours will be paid according to the student’s past schedule. Students will not have to work the hours to be paid.

What about current online courses – will they be changing?

Current online courses are unaffected by these changes, they will resume on Monday, March 30.

What about 2nd eight-week classes – how will they work?

2nd eight-week classes start on Monday, March 30. All face-to-face and hybrid courses, will be offered online and will continue on March 30. Students will be notified by instructors of the requirements for the class. This includes classes at Pioneer Career Center and the Technical Education Center.

Can I come on campus to access services such as the registrar’s office, advising, admissions, financial aid, etc.?

We have drastically reduced the number of employees on our campus to help mitigate the spread of this virus. For the rest of the semester, Student Affairs employees are working remotely to provide virtual nonacademic functions such as advising, counseling, registration, financial aid, etc.

Can we attend practices and rehearsals?

Based on the NJCAA requirements, there will be no practices, competitions for athletics. Rehearsals and gatherings for fine arts will not be allowed.

Are there still going to be events on campus such as clubs, organizations, and student government activities?

No, events are not allowed on campus for the rest of the semester or until further notice in the effort to limit exposure we want to discourage gatherings of students.

What if I need counseling support during this trying time?

The college wants to ensure continuity of mental health and counseling services as much as possible. The Counseling & Advocacy is available virtually during normal business hours for appointments by contacting 913-288-7640. Students are encouraged to call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) if they are feeling overwhelmed with emotions such as sadness, depression, anxiety, or feel like wanting to harm themselves or others.

I need accommodations for my remote learning class, who should I call?

Student Accessibility & Support Services is available to assist students who use accommodations to access instruction and to take tests, exams and quizzes. Some accommodations that apply to in-person classes do not apply to remote/online learning. Students should contact Alex Twitty at regarding accommodations that may need to be modified or newly requested.

How do I reach my advisor to enroll for summer/fall courses?

The Student Success Center, is available virtually for academic advising, enrollment assistance, & academic goal planning. Distance services are available via email, phone, video chat, text, and IM. Contact us at, 913-288-7696 or visit our website for more information.

How do I contact TRIO Student Support Services?

Michael Cozart  | 913-288-7565
Sara Schelp | 913-288-7573

I am interested in classes or need information about the Downtown KCK site, who do I call?

Contact Nora Brown | 

How do I contact advising for the Honors Education Program?

Dr. Stacy Tucker, 

Who else can I contact for assistance? 

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