Instructors are responsible for providing students with a course syllabus at the beginning of the term stating their attendance policy and if they practice the Administrative Withdrawal process.

Student Withdrawal

Students may have a “W” posted on their transcript instead of a letter grade by officially withdrawing from a course. Students may withdraw from a course after the drop period has passed. There is no refund for a withdrawal, and students are financially responsible for the tuition and fees for the course. The academic consequences from this action include receiving the grade of "W" for the course, which will appear on any unofficial or official transcripts. A grade of "W" will not impact your GPA nor count as completed credit toward your degree. Withdrawing can potentially impact a student’s academic and financial aid standing and should only be done if it is their only option. Withdrawing from a course can have financial and academic implications that should be taken into consideration when making this decision. Recent changes in financial aid rules and veterans education benefits have further complicated the course withdrawal process.

Prior to withdrawing, students are encouraged to talk with their instructor about their progress in the course based on the grading criteria stated in the syllabus, participation, and grades earned to date. Instructors may also be able to explore opportunities that may allow students to successfully complete the course in accordance with KCKCC guidelines and policies. Students should also visit the Learning Commons and Disability Services to find out more about the free academic resources and services available.

KCKCC is committed to helping students achieve their academic goals; however, circumstances may arise that prevent students from successfully completing their coursework as planned.

Withdrawal Procedures

  • Students may submit the Student Withdrawal Form found on Self Service.
  • Students may submit a withdrawal form with a Student Success Advisor on Main Campus, Pioneer Career Center, or the Technical Education Center.
  • Students may submit a hand written request by mail, e-mail or fax along with a coversheet to the attention of the Registrar’s Office. The request must include student name, student id, the course(s) the student wishes to withdraw from and student’s signature.
    • Office Fax: 913-288-7665;
    • Email:
    • Address Information
      • Kansas City Kansas Community College                                                                Registrar’s Office
        7250 State Avenue
        Kansas City, KS 66112

If students stop attending but do not officially withdraw from a course, an ‘F’ is posted on their transcript. The deadlines for withdrawing are as follows:

  • Semester courses (16 weeks): Students may withdraw up to three (3) weeks before the start of final examinations.
  • Summer session, mid-term, and block courses: Students may withdraw up to two (2) weeks before final examinations.
  • Mini-courses: no withdrawal period.

Administrative Withdrawals

Students may be administratively withdrawn from a course by their instructors for excessive absences or if the student stops attending. Instructors provide students with a course syllabus at the beginning of the semester stating their attendance policy and administrative withdrawal procedures.
  • Semester courses (16 weeks): Instructors may submit Administrative Withdrawal forms up to three (3) weeks before the start of final examinations.
  • Summer session, mid-term, and block courses: Instructors may submit Administrative Withdrawal forms up to two (2) weeks before final examinations
  • Mini-courses: no withdrawal period.

The Registrar’s Office notifies students by a written letter in the mail if they have been administratively withdrawn. If students wish to remain in the course, they need to contact the instructor within three class periods to be reinstated. The decision to reinstate a student rests entirely with the instructor. Instructors are not required to provide make-up work or reinstate students who have been administratively withdrawn from class.

Students who have been Administratively Withdrawn and are not reinstated receive a WA on their transcript. There is no refund for an Administrative Withdrawal, and students are financially responsible for the tuition and fees for the course. Re-enrollment in a subsequent semester is required to achieve a grade for the course.