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2019 Blue Devil 5K Results

Overall Winners

Overall Finish
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 227 Sammy Obando 20-29 22 19:55.0
2 209 Samuel Stepp 30-39 34 21:22.9
3 131 Brian Powers 40-49 40 23:59.8
4 123 Christienne Lewis 20-29 23 24:13.0
5 157 Erin Cowgill 30-39 35 24:19.6
6 231 Kamran Eshan 10-15 14 26:26.6
7 205 Noah Biswell 10-15 15 26:30.3
8 213 Ethan Hacker 16-19 19 27:12.0
9 169 Curtis Smith 60-69 65 27:23.3
10 109 Brandi Biswell 40-49 41 27:32.3
11 212 Michael O'Connell 50-59 51 28:18.3
12 230 Allyssa Cervantes 10-15 13 28:40.9
13 107 Carolyn Portner 40-49 45 28:47.9
14 156 Jeremy Cowgill 30-39 35 29:03.3
15 211 Rachelle Cervantes 30-39 39 30:54.9
16 229 Shawna Crilly 30-36 36 32:08.2
17 165 Ta Ehpaw Gaw 20-29 21 32:41.0
18 214 Wade Abel 50-59 59 32:53.3
19 170 Judy Smith 50-59 55 32:58.0
20 219 Kimberly Bloomer 20-29 24 35:53.0
21 218 Tracy Davis 30-39 35 35:53.9
22 133 Blake Fisher 10-15 12 36:45.6
23 233 Kenneth Bayles 30-39 34 37:03.0
24 145 Keira Bayles 10-15 10 37:27.7
25 187 Gary Bradley-Lopez 20-29 20 37:55.1
26 178 Rich Ayers 70-79 76 38:23.7
27 155 Valerie Nelson 50-59 56 38:44.5
28 177 Marquida Johnson 50-59 57 38:45.8
29 174 Jeremiah McCluney 30-39 39 40:06.6
30 226 Zach Kamm 16-19 18 40:45.9
31 167 Laura Paw 20-29 21 41:04.7
32 198 Saige White 10-15 11 41:13.9
33 161 Orlando "Lanny" Washington 40-49 49 41:21.5
34 220 Deb Shaoul 30-39 39 41:47.7
35 143 Erin Cooper 40-49 44 42:00.9
36 196 Suri Hutton 10-15 10 42:24.9
37 199 Chloe Barber 10-15 10 42:39.9
38 201 Piper Beyer 10-15 10 42:46.2
39 146 Jill Nelson 30-39 35 43:17.8
40 147 Johnny Nelson 30-39 35 43:20.5
41 197 Jeniah Ratliff 10-15 11 43:28.3
42 190 Allison Campbell 10-15 11 43:30.2
43 142 Norman Cooper 40-49 40 43:44.4
44 179 Marlene Ayers 70-79 75 44:16.4
45 119 Lindsey Ayers 50-59 50 44:22.9
46 144 Jennifer Dorsey 50-59 54 44:28.1
47 193 Laura Council 40-49 40 44:37.2
48 181 John Burton 70-79 70 44:58.0
49 210 Martha Budke 70-79 72 45:20.6
50 108 Jeremy Biswell 40-49 41 45:34.8
51 180 Seiko Roberts 80-89 81 45:51.5
52 129 Joseph Morel 16-19 16 46:04.3
53 164 Rachel Barbee 20-29 28 47:36.3
54 224 Janice McIntyre 70-79 70 48:28.7
55 106 Ava Jones 50-59 55 49:27.2
56 192 Malina Bailey 10-15 11 49:30.3
56 202 Maddison Vasquez 10-15 10 49:33.7
57 189 Anna Anderson 40-49 40 49:36.5
58 114 Tricia Schwind 50-59 58 49:51.5
59 113 Mike Schwind 60-69 60 49:53.0
60 160 Nancy Hobelmann 50-59 53 50:03.3
61 159 Wayne Hobelmann 70-79 79 50:05.4
62 152 Gloria Sanchez 60-69 61 50:07.1
63 186 Johnny Carter 40-49 49 50:11.4
64 115 Elizabeth Monroe 50-59 53 50:36.0
65 116 Tiffany Otey 40-49 44 50:36.7
66 102 Eemma Iseman 20-29 27 50:48.4
67 207 Joanna Schindel 20-29 28 50:50.8
68 203 Karol Pineda 20-29 26 51:11.8
69 105 Darren Sieben 50-59 50 51:17.9
70 185 Michael McGrath 70-79 74 51:23.8
71 225 Biak Sung 20-29 21 51:31.7
72 206 Rebecca Brown 40-49 49 51:38.7
73 154 Rosia Credit 70-79 70 51:44.4
74 168 Mary Whited 60-69 68 52:02.5
75 111 Sheridan Smith 50-59 55 52:57.4
76 110 Adam Smith 20-29 28 52:57.7
77 122 Christy Eker 40-49 44 53:03.7
78 175 Bobbie Smith 40-49 48 53:47.0
79 112 CHIQUITA MILLER 50-59 52 54:34.6
80 148 Allison Griffin 20-29 27 54:37.0
81 149 Scott Griffin 20-29 27 54:38.1
82 182 Denise Duke 50-59 57 54:44.0
83 184 Mary Ayers 70-79 70 54:45.1
84 158 Megan Mundt 30-39 33 55:06.8
85 132 Natalie Powers 30-39 34 55:08.3
86 101 Latice Ervin 40-49 46 55:21.8
87 100 Latonya Newson 40-49 44 55:23.4
88 151 Joyce Griffin 60-69 63 55:26.3
89 150 Elaine Kramer 90+ 90 55:29.3
90 215 Kati Hill 30-39 38 55:35.5
91 141 Wes Griffin 60-69 64 55:41.0
92 124 Abbey Connor 20-29 29 56:42.1
93 135 Melissa Douglas 40-49 46 56:43.1
94 222 Kalen Carey 20-29 24 57:38.9
95 221 Jessica Carey 40-49 42 57:40.9
96 138 Teresa Spear 40-49 41 57:52.6
97 137 Carol Connor 30-39 30 57:53.7
98 153 Tom Strumillo 70-79 76 58:00.3
99 166 Hla Ku Paw 16-19 17 58:54.5
100 139 Carissa Allen 20-29 22 59:31.4
101 140 Thad Jones 60-69 65 59:31.8
102 134 Elaine Miller 50-59 54 1:03:21.9
103 136 Sandra Becerra 50-59 50 1:03:22.6
104 223 Shai Perry 20-29 25 1:08:12.0
105 188 Taylor Bolls 20-29 25 1:08:14.8
106 204 Sherri Borror 50-59 56 1:09:27.3
107 173 Jodee Nirschl 50-59 57 1:17:48.5
108 171 Susan White 60-69 65 1:17:49.3
109 172 Gordon White 80-89 80 1:17:50.1
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Overall - Female

Overall Finish - Female
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 157 Erin Cowgill 30-39 35 24:19.6
2 109 Brandi Biswell 40-49 41 27:32.3
3 230 Allyssa Cervantes 10-15 13 28:40.9
4 107 Carolyn Portner 40-49 45 28:47.9
5 211 Rachelle Cervantes 30-39 39 30:54.9
6 229 Shawna Crilly 30-36 36 32:08.2
7 165 Ta Ehpaw Gaw 20-29 21 32:41.0
8 170 Judy Smith 50-59 55 32:58.0
9 219 Kimberly Bloomer 20-29 24 35:53.0
10 218 Tracy Davis 30-39 35 35:53.9
11 145 Keira Bayles 10-15 10 37:27.7
12 155 Valerie Nelson 50-59 56 38:44.5
13 177 Marquida Johnson 50-59 57 38:45.8
14 167 Laura Paw 20-29 21 41:04.7
15 198 Taveah Turner 10-15 11 41:13.9
16 220 Deb Shaoul 30-39 39 41:47.7
17 143 Erin Cooper 40-49 44 42:00.9
18 196 Suri Hutton 10-15 10 42:24.9
19 199 Chloe Barber 10-15 10 42:39.9
20 201 Piper Beyer 10-15 10 42:46.2
21 146 Jill Nelson 30-39 35 43:17.8
22 197 Jeniah Ratliff 10-15 11 43:28.3
23 190 Allison Campbell 10-15 11 43:30.2
24 179 Marlene Ayers 70-79 75 44:16.4
25 119 Lindsey Ayers 50-59 50 44:22.9
26 144 Jennifer Dorsey 50-59 54 44:28.1
27 193 Laura Council 40-49 40 44:37.2
28 210 Martha Budke 70-79 72 45:20.6
29 180 Seiko Roberts 80-89 81 45:51.5
30 164 Rachel Barbee 20-29 28 47:36.3
31 224 Janice McIntyre 70-79 70 48:28.7
32 106 Ava Jones 50-59 55 49:27.2
33 192 Malina Bailey 10-15 11 49:30.3
34 202 Maddison Vasquez 10-15 10 49:33.7
35 189 Anna Anderson 40-49 40 49:36.5
36 114 Tricia Schwind 50-59 58 49:51.5
37 160 Nancy Hobelmann 50-59 53 50:03.3
38 152 Gloria Sanchez 60-69 61 50:07.1
39 115 Elizabeth Monroe 50-59 53 50:36.0
40 116 Tiffany Otey 40-49 44 50:36.7
41 102 Eemma Iseman 20-29 27 50:48.4
42 207 Joanna Schindel 20-29 28 50:50.8
43 203 Karol Pineda 20-29 26 51:11.8
44 225 Biak Sung 20-29 21 51:31.7
45 206 Rebecca Brown 40-49 49 51:38.7
46 154 Rosia Credit 70-79 70 51:44.4
47 168 Mary Whited 60-69 68 52:02.5
48 111 Sheridan Smith 50-59 55 52:57.4
49 122 Christy Eker 40-49 44 53:03.7
50 175 Bobbie Smith 40-49 48 53:47.0
51 112 CHIQUITA MILLER 50-59 52 54:34.6
52 148 Allison Griffin 20-29 27 54:37.0
53 182 Denise Duke 50-59 57 54:44.0
54 184 Mary Ayers 70-79 70 54:45.1
55 158 Megan Mundt 30-39 33 55:06.8
56 132 Natalie Powers 30-39 34 55:08.3
57 101 Latice Ervin 40-49 46 55:21.8
58 100 Latonya Newson 40-49 44 55:23.4
59 151 Joyce Griffin 60-69 63 55:26.3
60 150 Elaine Kramer 90+ 90 55:29.3
61 215 Kati Hill 30-39 38 55:35.5
62 124 Abbey Connor 20-29 29 56:42.1
63 135 Melissa Douglas 40-49 46 56:43.1
64 222 Kalen Carey 20-29 24 57:38.9
65 221 Jessica Carey 40-49 42 57:40.9
66 138 Teresa Spear 40-49 41 57:52.6
67 137 Carol Connor 30-39 30 57:53.7
68 166 Hla Ku Paw 16-19 17 58:54.5
69 139 Carissa Allen 20-29 22 59:31.4
70 134 Elaine Miller 50-59 54 1:03:21.9
71 136 Sandra Becerra 50-59 50 1:03:22.6
72 223 Shai Perry 20-29 25 1:08:12.0
73 188 Taylor Bolls 20-29 25 1:08:14.8
74 204 Sherri Borror 50-59 56 1:09:27.3
75 173 Jodee Nirschl 50-59 57 1:17:48.5
76 171 Susan White 60-69 65 1:17:49.3
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Overall - Male

Overall - Male
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 227 Sammy Obando 20-29 22 19:55.0
2 209 Samuel Stepp 30-39 34 21:22.9
3 131 Brian Powers 40-49 40 23:59.8
4 123 Christienne Lewis 20-29 23 24:13.0
5 231 Kamran Eshan 10-15 14 26:26.6
6 205 Noah Biswell 10-15 15 26:30.3
7 213 Ethan Hacker 16-19 19 27:12.0
8 169 Curtis Smith 60-69 65 27:23.3
9 212 Michael O'Connell 50-59 51 28:18.3
10 156 Jeremy Cowgill 30-39 35 29:03.3
11 214 Wade Abel 50-59 59 32:53.3
12 133 Blake Fisher 10-15 12 36:45.6
13 233 Kenneth Bayles 30-39 34 37:03.0
14 187 Gary Bradley-Lopez 20-29 20 37:55.1
15 178 Rich Ayers 70-79 76 38:23.7
16 174 Jeremiah McCluney 30-39 39 40:06.6
17 226 Zach Kamm 16-19 18 40:45.9
18 161 Orlando "Lanny" Washington 40-49 49 41:21.5
19 147 Johnny Nelson 30-39 35 43:20.5
20 142 Norman Cooper 40-49 40 43:44.4
21 181 John Burton 70-79 70 44:58.0
22 108 Jeremy Biswell 40-49 41 45:34.8
23 129 Joseph Morel 16-19 16 46:04.3
24 113 Mike Schwind 60-69 60 49:53.0
25 159 Wayne Hobelmann 70-79 79 50:05.4
26 186 Johnny Carter 40-49 49 50:11.4
27 105 Darren Sieben 50-59 50 51:17.9
28 185 Michael McGrath 70-79 74 51:23.8
29 110 Adam Smith 20-29 28 52:57.7
30 149 Scott Griffin 20-29 27 54:38.1
31 141 Wes Griffin 60-69 64 55:41.0
32 153 Tom Strumillo 70-79 76 58:00.3
33 140 Thad Jones 60-69 65 59:31.8
34 172 Gordon White 80-89 80 1:17:50.1
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Overall - Age

Age Categories

10-15 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 230 Allyssa Cervantes 10-15 13 28:40.9
2 145 Keira Bayles 10-15 10 37:27.7
3 198 Taveah Turner 10-15 11 41:13.9
4 196 Suri Hutton 10-15 10 42:24.9
5 199 Chloe Barber 10-15 10 42:39.9
6 201 Piper Beyer 10-15 10 42:46.2
7 197 Jeniah Ratliff 10-15 11 43:28.3
8 190 Allison Campbell 10-15 11 43:30.2
9 192 Malina Bailey 10-15 11 49:30.3
10 202 Maddison Vasquez 10-15 10 49:33.7

10-15 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 231 Kamran Eshan 10-15 14 26:26.6
2 205 Noah Biswell 10-15 15 26:30.3
3 133 Blake Fisher 10-15 12 36:45.6

16-19 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 166 Hla Ku Paw 16-19 17 58:54.5

16-19 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 213 Ethan Hacker 16-19 19 27:12.0
2 226 Zach Kamm 16-19 18 40:45.9
3 129 Joseph Morel 16-19 16 46:04.3

20-29 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 165 Ta Ehpaw Gaw 20-29 21 32:41.0
2 219 Kimberly Bloomer 20-29 24 35:53.0
3 167 Laura Paw 20-29 21 41:04.7
4 164 Rachel Barbee 20-29 28 47:36.3
5 102 Eemma Iseman 20-29 27 50:48.4
6 207 Joanna Schindel 20-29 28 50:50.8
7 203 Karol Pineda 20-29 26 51:11.8
8 225 Biak Sung 20-29 21 51:31.7
9 148 Allison Griffin 20-29 27 54:37.0
10 124 Abbey Connor 20-29 29 56:42.1
11 222 Kalen Carey 20-29 24 57:38.9
12 139 Carissa Allen 20-29 22 59:31.4
13 223 Shai Perry 20-29 25 1:08:12.0
14 188 Taylor Bolls 20-29 25 1:08:14.8

20-29 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 123 Christienne Lewis 20-29 23 24:13.0
2 187 Gary Bradley-Lopez 20-29 20 37:55.1
3 110 Adam Smith 20-29 28 52:57.7
4 149 Scott Griffin 20-29 27 54:38.1

30-36 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 229 Shawna Crilly 30-36 36 32:08.2

30-39 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 211 Rachelle Cervantes 30-39 39 30:54.9
2 218 Tracy Davis 30-39 35 35:53.9
3 220 Deb Shaoul 30-39 39 41:47.7
4 146 Jill Nelson 30-39 35 43:17.8
5 158 Megan Mundt 30-39 33 55:06.8
6 132 Natalie Powers 30-39 34 55:08.3
7 215 Kati Hill 30-39 38 55:35.5
8 137 Carol Connor 30-39 30 57:53.7

30-39 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 209 Samuel Stepp 30-39 34 21:22.9
2 156 Jeremy Cowgill 30-39 35 29:03.3
3 233 Kenneth Bayles 30-39 34 37:03.0
4 174 Jeremiah McCluney 30-39 39 40:06.6
5 147 Johnny Nelson 30-39 35 43:20.5

40-49 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 109 Brandi Biswell 40-49 41 27:32.3
2 107 Carolyn Portner 40-49 45 28:47.9
3 143 Erin Cooper 40-49 44 42:00.9
4 193 Laura Council 40-49 40 44:37.2
5 189 Anna Anderson 40-49 40 49:36.5
6 116 Tiffany Otey 40-49 44 50:36.7
7 206 Rebecca Brown 40-49 49 51:38.7
8 122 Christy Eker 40-49 44 53:03.7
9 175 Bobbie Smith 40-49 48 53:47.0
10 101 Latice Ervin 40-49 46 55:21.8
11 100 Latonya Newson 40-49 44 55:23.4
12 135 Melissa Douglas 40-49 46 56:43.1
13 221 Jessica Carey 40-49 42 57:40.9
14 138 Teresa Spear 40-49 41 57:52.6

40-49 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 131 Brian Powers 40-49 40 23:59.8
2 161 Orlando "Lanny" Washington 40-49 49 41:21.5
3 142 Norman Cooper 40-49 40 43:44.4
4 108 Jeremy Biswell 40-49 41 45:34.8
5 186 Johnny Carter 40-49 49 50:11.4
50-59 - Female
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 170 Judy Smith 50-59 55 32:58.0
2 155 Valerie Nelson 50-59 56 38:44.5
3 177 Marquida Johnson 50-59 57 38:45.8
4 119 Lindsey Ayers 50-59 50 44:22.9
5 144 Jennifer Dorsey 50-59 54 44:28.1
6 106 Ava Jones 50-59 55 49:27.2
7 114 Tricia Schwind 50-59 58 49:51.5
8 160 Nancy Hobelmann 50-59 53 50:03.3
9 115 Elizabeth Monroe 50-59 53 50:36.0
10 111 Sheridan Smith 50-59 55 52:57.4
11 112 CHIQUITA MILLER 50-59 52 54:34.6
12 182 Denise Duke 50-59 57 54:44.0
13 134 Elaine Miller 50-59 54 1:03:21.9
14 136 Sandra Becerra 50-59 50 1:03:22.6
15 204 Sherri Borror 50-59 56 1:09:27.3
16 173 Jodee Nirschl 50-59 57 1:17:48.5

50-59 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 212 Michael O'Connell 50-59 51 28:18.3
2 214 Wade Abel 50-59 59 32:53.3

60-69 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 152 Gloria Sanchez 60-69 61 50:07.1
2 168 Mary Whited 60-69 68 52:02.5
3 151 Joyce Griffin 60-69 63 55:26.3
4 171 Susan White 60-69 65 1:17:49.3

60-69 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 169 Curtis Smith 60-69 65 27:23.3
2 113 Mike Schwind 60-69 60 49:53.0
3 141 Wes Griffin 60-69 64 55:41.0
4 140 Thad Jones 60-69 65 59:31.8

70-79 - Female

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 179 Marlene Ayers 70-79 75 44:16.4
2 210 Martha Budke 70-79 72 45:20.6
3 224 Janice McIntyre 70-79 70 48:28.7
4 154 Rosia Credit 70-79 70 51:44.4
5 184 Mary Ayers 70-79 70 54:45.1

70-79 - Male

Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 178 Rich Ayers 70-79 76 38:23.7
2 181 John Burton 70-79 70 44:58.0
3 159 Wayne Hobelmann 70-79 79 50:05.4
4 185 Michael McGrath 70-79 74 51:23.8
5 153 Tom Strumillo 70-79 76 58:00.3
80-89 - Female
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 180 Seiko Roberts 80-89 81 45:51.5
80-89 - Male
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 172 Gordon White 80-89 80 1:17:50.1
90+ - Female
Place Bib Name Category Age Time
1 150 Elaine Kramer 90+ 90 55:29.3
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