What’s My KCKCC Student Email Address?
Student email addresses will be the following format:
- First initial of your first name
- Followed by the first four letters of your last name
- Then the last four digits of your Student ID
- Add @students.kckcc.edu at the end
Example: Darth Vader 0123456 = dvade3456@students.kckcc.edu
Accessing Your College Email From Website
Add Email to Mobile Devices
- After the app is installed, open the Outlook App
Note: If you have signed in and remembered your KCKCC information on the device, you may have get the option automatically sync with your KCKCC information. All of the following steps will be bypassed if this is chosen.
- On the Add Account screen, enter your KCKCC email address, then select Add Account
- Enter KCKCC Password, then select Sign In
- Go to Settings App
- Select Passwords & Accounts
- Select Add Account
- Select Exchange option
- Sign in Page – Enter Email Address(required) & change description(optional), select Next
- “Sign in to your kckcc.edu” exchange account using Microsoft? – Select Sign In
- Enter KCKCC Password, select Next
- Permissions Requested – select the checkbox next to “consent on behalf of your organization” and select Accept.
- Deselect any areas you do not want to sync to this device (Calendar, contacts, etc.)
- Select Save
- Upon app installation, enter KCKCC Email Address when prompted, then select Continue
- Enter KCKCC PW, select Sign In
- The account has been added. Skip or follow tour instructions if you wish.
NOTE: If this app is already installed on your device, open the app and select the Mail Envelope+ icon to initiate KCKCC account sync.
- Go to the Settings app
- Select Accounts
- Go to Add Account
- Select the Exchange Option
- Enter KCKCC email address – then select Next
- Enter KCKCC password – then select Next
- Upon Redirect request notification - select OK
- On the incoming Server Settings – Enter the server address as outlook.office.com
- Select NEXT.
- Upon Remote Security Administration notification – select OK
- Select “Activate this device Admin App”
- Change the Account Name (Optional), then select NEXT